BEVOLOscott ott creative inc.Mar 20, 2020BEVOLO 75th Anniversary LOGOSuch a pleasure working with the BEVOLO team on their 75th Anniversary Logo.1945 - 2020 Celebrating 75 Years of Gas & Electric LightsBuilt to last a lifetime! #BEVOLO #75thAnniversary #GraphicDesign #GraphicDesignNewOrleans #scottottcreativeinc #logo #LogoDevelopment #branding
BEVOLO 75th Anniversary LOGOSuch a pleasure working with the BEVOLO team on their 75th Anniversary Logo.1945 - 2020 Celebrating 75 Years of Gas & Electric LightsBuilt to last a lifetime! #BEVOLO #75thAnniversary #GraphicDesign #GraphicDesignNewOrleans #scottottcreativeinc #logo #LogoDevelopment #branding