We had a great time working on the Metairie Road District LOGO AND BRANDING with the entire rebranding initiative team.

The Mission of the Metairie Road District is to seek to improve the lives of both Metairie Road businesses and surrounding residents by creating a cohesive cultural district reaching from Severn Avenue to the 17th Street Canal. Be on the look out for the new logo on signage, banners, buses, store fronts and the website at https://metairieroad.org/
Metairie Road ... Experience the New Old Metairie!
#ScottOtt #ScottOttCreative #GraphicDesign #GraphicDesignNewOrleans #WebDesign #Branding #logo #WebDesignNewOrleans #BrandingNewOrleans #LogoDesign #brandNOLA #OldMetairie #MetairieRoad #MetairieRoadDistrict #NewOldMetairie